
Cultural propaganda

In the enterprise, some people cannot live without gangs; Some people can't live without provoking right and wrong, which is due to their character and character. If there is a shadow of a gang, we should beat the leader with lightning speed, otherwise we will simply "live in a nest". The gang system has always been synonymous with "cancer" and "hidden danger" in China's 5000 year history, even if it is not allowed by two people's sects. Everyone's relationship should be a normal colleague relationship, even a friend relationship. However, this relationship cannot become an obstacle to safeguarding the company's interests, otherwise, this obstacle will become an obstacle to your career, or even a terminator.

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Qingdao Zhonghui Shengxi Bioengineering Co., Ltd. is a high-tech medical enterprise supported by the…


Qingdao Zhonghui Shengxi Bioengineering Co., Ltd. is a high-tech medical enterprise supported by the…

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